Level gauges with glass tube

Level gauges with a glass tube are an inexpensive but valid option for checking the level of non-hazardous or non-reactive fluids in unpressurised tanks. An external metal protection of the glass tube is recommended.

The level is ascertained using a glass which has a smooth side and a wetted prismatic side. The level of the fluid inside the level gauge is shown by using the optical principles of refraction: the wetted part fully absorbs light and so the fluid appears to be black. The part in contact with the gas, on the other hand, fully reflects light and so the gas appears to be of a very light colour.

In this kind of level gauge, the fluid is held between two smooth glasses. The level can be identified as the fluid has a different level of transparency compared to gases and steam.

The transparent level gauge is particularly recommended for applications where the glass needs to be protected from corrosive fluids and high temperatures. A lamp can also be fitted behind the gauge to improve visibility in special operating conditions.

This article comes from likutech edit released

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