Custody Tansfer Servo Tank Gauge with Water and Profiling

A custody transfer servo tank gauge is a device used in industries such as oil and gas to accurately measure and monitor the level of liquid (such as petroleum) in storage tanks during custody transfer. Custody transfer involves the transfer of ownership of the product, and accurate measurement is crucial for fair and precise transactions.

Here are some key features related to a custody transfer servo tank gauge with water and profiling:

  1. Servo Tank Gauge (STG): This is a type of instrument that uses servo technology to measure the level of liquid in a tank. It often employs a float connected to a servo motor, and the position of the float corresponds to the level of the liquid.
  2. Custody Transfer: The term “custody transfer” refers to the point in the supply chain where ownership of the product is transferred from one party to another. In the context of oil and gas, this is a critical phase where accurate measurement is essential for financial and regulatory purposes.
  3. Water Detection: In addition to measuring the product level, custody transfer servo tank gauges may include features for detecting the presence of water. This is important because water contamination in oil or other hydrocarbons can impact the quality and value of the product.
  4. Profiling: Profiling in this context likely refers to the ability of the tank gauge to provide detailed information about the distribution of the liquid within the tank. This can be useful for understanding tank behavior, identifying potential issues, and optimizing storage efficiency.

These systems are crucial in ensuring accurate measurement and preventing discrepancies during the transfer of custody. They often integrate advanced technologies to enhance precision, reliability, and data management capabilities.